Sunday 28 November 2021

Post 8 : English Language Challenges



Hi  bloggers : As you already know this is our last post.  Personally , I hope you've learned and, hopefully, enjoyed this course as much as I have. Then it´d be important  for you and us to know about your experience with this subject. We´d like you to write this last post including the  information  asked below and any other you may want to:

- How did you like this subject at university? What about the use of blogs?

- What aspects of your English need to be improved and how do you plan to do this?

-  Outside the English class, how much are you using English these days? What for?

 Use 240 words and don't forget to make comments on 3 of your partners' well as your teacher's one.

Friday 26 November 2021

Post 7 Changes to my study programme

 Hi bloggers: Today's post has to do with your career program.  In my personal experience as a university student, I would 've liked to have some real  teaching practice at schools from the very first years and not only during the last when it was too late to make changes. So in my times I would have changed the study program of the Faculty of Education completely. What about your career? I don't know much about it,. I would like to learn more about it. Could you tell me about it? Now you've got the chance to think about your study program and make all the changes you think  could be  made and why. Talk about the curriculum (the subjects you have to study),, workload and length of studies,, f aculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure),, use of technology, teaching methods, etc.

Word Count: 250  and don't forget to leave comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts and also mine. 

Tuesday 16 November 2021

Post 6 : Time travel in the future


Hi bloggers : Today's topic is about a  time you would like to go to in the future. Actually it's hard for me to think about a time I would like to visit in the future considering the dark expectations there are about our planet. I can't think of  a future time when there's no climate change, natural diasters, lack of water, etc. Sorry, but I'm very pessimistic about it . What about you?  Where would you like to go? Why? What time in the future? Would you like to stay there? Why/Why not? Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post. Use 220 words.

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Post 5 : Your future job


Hello bloggers: When I  was in high school , I realised the only thing  I wanted to do in life was to become an English  translator and interpreter to work at the United Nations in New York travelling all over the world. But  shortly before taking the PSU, the career , was closed.  I was devastated and didn't know what I would do. I was just 17 years old. Finally I decided to enrol in  English teaching in order to change into Translation internally . In practice  it was too difficult. Fortunately , I met a teacher who advised me to become a teacher of English, so  thus I could teach and make translations without any problems. However, as  a translator, you can´t work as a teacher. When I got that, i enjoyed my career . Additionally, several years later I realised I could  have never been an interpreter because you need to have nerves of steel and I don't. So my dream was partly made true:  to work with English, make translations and travel not all over the world , but quite a lot.  In your case, what do you think about your future job?  . I imagine  when you decided to study your current career, you already had some idea about what you wanted to do in the future, didn´t you? What kind of job would you like to have? How do you imagine it? Would you like to work outdoors  or indoors? Would your like to travel a lot in your job?  In an office? What major are you studying / are you thinking of taking?    Explain why. Add any other related ideas. Don´t forget  to make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts.
Word Count : 200 words

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Post 4 : Free topic N° 2 : A funny or important moment of your childhood


Hi bloggers : Today's post is about  the second free topic you chose.  Actually, thinking about my childhood, it's hard for me to remember  a funny or important event. Perhaps the funniest and also important moment for me when I was about 6 years old, was the first time I got "separated" from my parents for some hours due to a tonsillitis surgery. I was taken to hospital the night before and I was scared to death , since I was alone among a lot of  adult strangers. My parents were not allowed to stay with me. The following morning, a male nurse came to pick me up to go the operation room. I panicked and ran away barefooted and in pyjamas. I remember running up and down all over the floor and several nurses running after me. Certainly, I was caught and operated in the end, but I never forgot that getaway.  Here 's a picture of approximately that period. What about your childhood? Do you have any funny or important anecdote to tell us? Use 200 words. Don't forget to leave your comments on 3 of your classmates'blogs as well as mine. C U.

Thursday 14 October 2021

Post 3 : Hobbies ( Free topic 1)

 Hi guys : Today's topic is the first  one that you chose: Hobbies. Well, personally I can say I don't have any hobbies as such but only free time activities, which  have changed quite a lot since Covid came into our lives.  In  the past I used to go swimming at least twice a week, but I stopped doing it 18 months ago. I really miss it. Nowadays, the only physical activity I can do is to walk for 2 kms on a treadmill. I don't like it much, but it's better than nothing. 

Another activity I used to do a lot was going to the cinema and theatre, which I can't do now either. Therefore I watch many films, series, and documentaries on Netflix . I really like that as well as reading novels. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to do  all that as frequently as I'd like to.

Well, what about you? Do you have any hobbies or free time activities? Can you do them these days? How often can you do them? Write your post using 180 words. Don't forget to leave comments on my blog as well as 3 of your classmates.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Post 2 : My best holidays / The best concert I've been to



Hello bloggers : How have you been doing? I hope everything 's fine . Well.  today we've got 2 topics for you to choose ONE: Your best  holidays or the best concert you've been to. It's difficult for me to choose the best holidays because I've had several good ones, but perhaps the one that I most remember   was when I was 19  and hitchhiked  with a friend    to Chiloe during February. I visited lots of places and met lots of interesting people, but the most important was the  experience of solving problems  by ourselves.  What about you? Write about your best  holidays: when it was, where you went, how long it was, who you went with, what activities you did, etc. 

The second option is to write about the best concert you've ever attended. Talk about when and where it was, what artist you saw, what you know/knew about that artist. Describe the atmosphere you  could see during the event, how you felt , why you enjoyed it and include any other memories about it. Remember you must choose ONE of the topics to write about.

Use 170 words and don´t forget to leave your comments on 3 classmates´ and teacher's blogs.
C U next week.