Tuesday 19 October 2021

Post 4 : Free topic N° 2 : A funny or important moment of your childhood


Hi bloggers : Today's post is about  the second free topic you chose.  Actually, thinking about my childhood, it's hard for me to remember  a funny or important event. Perhaps the funniest and also important moment for me when I was about 6 years old, was the first time I got "separated" from my parents for some hours due to a tonsillitis surgery. I was taken to hospital the night before and I was scared to death , since I was alone among a lot of  adult strangers. My parents were not allowed to stay with me. The following morning, a male nurse came to pick me up to go the operation room. I panicked and ran away barefooted and in pyjamas. I remember running up and down all over the floor and several nurses running after me. Certainly, I was caught and operated in the end, but I never forgot that getaway.  Here 's a picture of approximately that period. What about your childhood? Do you have any funny or important anecdote to tell us? Use 200 words. Don't forget to leave your comments on 3 of your classmates'blogs as well as mine. C U.


  1. Wow, that had to be really scary for a 6 years old girl :c.
    On the other side you look really happy in that picture, is a nice picture :)

  2. oowww, cute picture! I would be really scared as well if I had any type of surgery. And I have 19 years old. hshsh

  3. at the age of six that must be very scary :(

  4. getting lost being six years old must've been really scary

  5. I always remember my mother leaving me behind in the supermarket and I felt so scared (it wasn't that bad, though). I can't imagine how terrible it was for you to be alone in the hospital.

  6. God, I can't imagine how scared you felt back then with a bunch of nurse coming right after you! I hope in the end your surgery was successful

  7. the picture it's adorable :)

  8. That must have been a really crazy experience! Everythig seems that it has been taken from a film.

  9. Ohh that must have been terrifying for a very young girl :(
    Also cute picture!

  10. Hi! If I am honest, I would run away too. I am really scared of surgeries.

  11. It sound like a hard experience... I think I would run away too

  12. Hi Miss! The story sounds funny, but surely at the time it was terrifying!!!

  13. Run was a good call hahahaha

  14. Beautiful picture, would have done the same in the hospital jajaja that's terrifying

  15. It must have been a horrible experience, I don't know what I would have done.

  16. hi miss! I can't imagine how terrible that experience was, especially at that age :(

  17. hi miss, that must have been really scary for you at that age :(
