Friday 26 November 2021

Post 7 Changes to my study programme

 Hi bloggers: Today's post has to do with your career program.  In my personal experience as a university student, I would 've liked to have some real  teaching practice at schools from the very first years and not only during the last when it was too late to make changes. So in my times I would have changed the study program of the Faculty of Education completely. What about your career? I don't know much about it,. I would like to learn more about it. Could you tell me about it? Now you've got the chance to think about your study program and make all the changes you think  could be  made and why. Talk about the curriculum (the subjects you have to study),, workload and length of studies,, f aculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure),, use of technology, teaching methods, etc.

Word Count: 250  and don't forget to leave comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts and also mine. 


  1. Hello! well my career recently changed the program they had. I still have the old one and I dont really know about how is this new program, I hope this changes will be for the best :)
    (Florencia Letelier)

  2. I agree that the real practice should be available before the latest years

  3. I would like to do some changes in my career, but not the whole study program.

  4. I believe that we should be able to propose changes to our career program.

  5. I feel you,I also would like to be able to have more field practice in my current career

  6. Hi! I agree with the idea of including more practices. I think it's very useful to provide guidance to new students

  7. Hi Miss! I would also have liked to have many more practices, but the program and now the pandemic make it impossible for us:(

  8. Definitely, in the teaching career is necessary have practices since day one.

  9. I think the same about the importance of having practices before coming out to the real world.

  10. Agree about how necessary the practices are, it´s so sad that the pandemic ruined almost all of them to this moment.

  11. changes to the workload would be a good start.

  12. It´s sad that the same exact problems repeat nowadays. We should be able to have an open space to be actually heard and able to make changes

  13. I agree that there should be more practices in general

  14. yes!! practices should be way more important in the cv

  15. hi miss! I think the same about that the practice should be earlier, it is very important for our future development.

  16. I think practices are fundamental so they should be given more focus than other things.

  17. Hi miss! I totally agree with you. Practices are important for the learning process of a student.
