Tuesday 16 November 2021

Post 6 : Time travel in the future


Hi bloggers : Today's topic is about a  time you would like to go to in the future. Actually it's hard for me to think about a time I would like to visit in the future considering the dark expectations there are about our planet. I can't think of  a future time when there's no climate change, natural diasters, lack of water, etc. Sorry, but I'm very pessimistic about it . What about you?  Where would you like to go? Why? What time in the future? Would you like to stay there? Why/Why not? Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post. Use 220 words.


  1. I don't think you're a pessimist, the future doesn't look very bright. Regards

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hopefully we can do something to reduce the climate crisis a bit by then

  4. Im very pessimistic too, but maybe if we takes some action we can help the planet a little bit.

  5. I believe most of us think the same about the future. Despite that, I still believe there is something we can do to change our future.

  6. More than pessimistic I think that you are being realistic

  7. I think you are being realistic. And that is the first step to be part of the solution.

  8. I agree with you, the future is not hopeful

  9. I have the same pessimist thought about the future

  10. I will travel to see what happened to the pandemic hahaha.

  11. I also think the same about the future, but i still have hope <3 we still can do changes for the better

  12. It's really sad, but maybe a common thought. I want to believe that gravity of the matter depends only in our current actions, so we still can make something about it.

  13. I´m also very pessimistic about the future (even a near future)

  14. Hi Miss! I hope it's not as dark as you think:(

  15. I think it is a very true reality but I hope it can be avoided in the future.
