Wednesday 8 September 2021

Post 1: A country you'd like to visit


Ever since I can remember,my only dream in life  was travelling,  and more travelling. Several years later, I could make my dream partially true : I´ve been to different countries and  my experiences have been great. However, there are still many countries I'd love to visit, for instance: Vietnam. It's such a far away place, with amazing landscapes and admirable people that were able to defeat such  a powerful enemy in a long and devastating war. Despite that, they've been able to develop  their country so as to make it an important economy nowadays. They 've managed to make a combination of  a capitalistic economy and a comunist system that is difficult for me to understand. That's why I'd love to see that place.  What about you? If you had the chance of travelling, what country would you like to go to?  Why? What do you know about it? What would you like to do there? Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain.Make comments on 3 of your classmates’  and your teacher's blogs.

Use  160 words mínimum and 170 máximum.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think Vietnam is an interesting place to visit, i've always liked things related to the cold war.

  3. For me it is a interesting place to go, but being honest I don't think that I would go there

  4. Hi! Vietnam looks great! Completely different to the landscapes we are used to see here.

  5. I think its a really nice choice!! and If I would be the one going there I would like to know more about the Vietnamese culture

  6. wow I never thought Vietnam was so beautiful :0, I will add it to my list of countries to visit.

  7. Hi miss. Vietnam has an interesting history, but honestly I wouldn't go to that country. See you.

  8. Hello miss, I think that Vietnam has a very particular history, but I don't know if I would like to visit it, see you.

  9. Hi! Travelling to different places in the world is my life´s dream too. I wish to be able to accomplish it, like you did.

  10. Vietnam is a country that always caught my attention, from their culture to the food and the nature. I hope some day we can visit this beatiful country

    1. P.D: this is me, Camila Díaz. i still dont understand so well how this work.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Wow Vietnam seems like a very interesting place to travel

  13. Vietnam looks like a very good place to visit, I want to go there too!

  14. There are many places to visit, but now i think i would like to visit Vietnam too!

  15. Vietnam seems to be a really nice pleace to visit, i didnt pay attention before to this country but i did my own research and i liked the landspace Vietnam provides, hope you can visit Vietnam soon!

  16. Sounds like a memorable experience!

  17. Hi Miss!! I hope you can visit all those countries that you have in mind!!

  18. I hope you can make all your dreams come true, this one sounds really cool and interesting. Thanks to your blog i may think about visiting this country one day.

  19. Hi! from i have seen in internet Vietnam have amazings landscapes (in fact, many movies have been filmed there.) i hope one day you can visit Vietnam :)

  20. Hi miss! i think it would be very interesting know such place like Vietnam, i hope you can go someday.

  21. Whoa! first time that a read this weird sistem of mixed capitalist and communist, sound quite interesting.

  22. Hi miss! Wow, i'm totally surprised! I honestly didn't know about those facts about Vietnam, and neither about the beautiful landscapes it has!
